Water and environment

My work has been informed by my experiences growing up in Latin America. Ecuador is a country rich in natural resources and yet struggled to develop. This made me acutely aware of the tensions between conservation and economic development; the trade-offs are often conflicting. My choice to study environmental engineering was not by chance.
I see science and technology as important drivers for social change.
I develop tools and methods that enable sustainable development that is inclusive of people and protect our natural environments.
My research makes use of interdisciplinary methods that integrate data analysis to strengthen the institutions that govern natural resources. My doctoral work on water resource management took me to the metropolitan city of São Paulo, which saw an unprecedented drought in 2013 that placed 25million people at risk of water shortages. My dissertation provided participatory modeling tools for informing decisions in the context of water conflict resolution.
Fuel for growth and development
Oct 2015
Dissertation & Book Chapter
Participation and Conflicting Objectives in The Era of Integrated Water Resources Management: A Case Study of São Paulo, Brazil
“Drought simulation exercise using a model developed for the Cantareira System”
Water Sustainability Forum: Questions, Challenges, and Governance
March 2015
UNICAMP | Campinas, São Paulo - Brazil