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Policy Entrepreneur

People often ask me what is a Policy Entrepreneur. The short answer, we are resourceful actors that innovate that to catalyze change in and around policies. This can happen at any level of an institution.

Policy Entrepreneurs work in these strategies

(1) frame problems,

(2) expand and make use of networks,

(3) build coalitions,

(4) lead by example, 

(5) scale up change processes.

This is the work I do everyday and it positions me to only do work I'm uniquely qualified to do. I'm available for consulting for institutions, government, and companies that want to innovate at a policy level. I can bring these skills to help advance a project at your company or startup!

Thanks to technology today, individuals can do what only companies could do in the past, and conversely, companies have the power that some governments do. This brings tremendous agency to individuals! 

To hire my team of consultants, or for a corporate-level climate policy plan, please visit Instituto Limite's website here


Published Essays

OPINION: What a pandemic can teach us about climate resilience

We need to mobilize nowledge and resources to act towards the collective good, utilizing the scientific community to combat both climate change and the pandemic.

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Blueprints to navigate the 21st century will require Empathy and Collaboration

Leadership comes from the most unexpected places. Our job, for those of us not on the front lines, is to make sense of this moment and to decide how we will emerge from the rubble. Empathy and collaboration are critical to build the kind of society we want post-COVID-19.

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Global Grand Challenges: Why your unique talents are in demand!

We live in a time of extraordinary advances in science and technology. Thanks to relentless human innovation and increasing computational power that moves at neck-breaking speed, what is possible today may have seemed like fiction just a few years ago...

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